We feel confident that we offer world 1st innovative and high quality products and accessories, and we hope you feel the same way. If you are experiencing any difficulty or have questions, please contact us prior to returning your carrier; we can often offer a solution that will help.
If you’ve purchased Hugpapa products from one of our authorized retailers, please contact the retailer for their return policy. We cannot accept returns for items purchased through a retailer.
Items purchased directly from Hugpapa are returnable within a 30 day period, in like-new condition, with a hood and user manual, and in the original packaging.
Please contact
cs@hugpapa.co if you need to return a product. A return or exchange will only be accepted if the customer has contacted Hugpapa prior to sending the item(s) back.
Any package returned without a valid Return Authorization issued by Hugpapa clearly marked on the outside of the box, will be refused.
All returns must be sent to the following address:
#404, 23 Dokseodang-ro, Yongsan-gu,
Seoul, Korea 04410
Once we have received your return, we’ll refund 100% of the product value (return shipping back to us is not refunded). We recommend you return all items via a traceable carrier such as USPS, UPS, or FedEx.